historical records / conformation records

Group Records



This date is determined by Westminster Kennel Club records and is somewhat arbitrary. It does not necessarily correspond with official recognition by the AKC nor with its standing as a separate breed or variety at Westminster. Rather it is usually when that breed is first named as such in the catalog and show records.

If the breed was shown somewhat consistently in the Miscellaneous Class before 1924, that goes to establish the “Date 1st Entered.” If shown in Miscellaneous Class in 1924 or after, it is noted but did not count until regular status is granted and the breed winner is eligible for Group and BIS competition. See Miscellaneous Breeds section.


Best In Show has been awarded since 1907 (except for 1923) and Group competition has been held since 1924.

The column headings in each chart represent the number of Best In Show Awards and Group placements in each position. The year in parentheses in the “BIS” and “1” column represents the last year that this breed won BIS and the last year that it won the Group; the number in parentheses in one of the other columns represents the last year that the breed placed in the Group; if there is a year only in the “1” Group column, that means that the last time that the breed placed in the Group, it won the group. For example, a Pointer has won 3 BIS (the most recent in 1986), 14 Group 1 (most recent in 1989, 4 Group 2, 7 Group 3, and 5 Group 4 awards. The last time it placed in the Group was in 1998 with a Group 4.


The 1888 Catalog is the first in which AKC Rules are included (adopted Dec 6, 1887). From Rule 2: “Every dog entered at any show held under these rules … must be registered in the American Kennel Club Stud Book. In case a dog has not been registered previous to date of entry, owner must fill out a registration blank and forward same, with fee of 50 cents, together with show entry to the Secretary of the Show, who shall mark the dog as registered and forward blank with registration fee to the Secretary of the American Kennel Club (The above to take effect January 1st, 1888).”


Best In Show Wins – 15

Most recent: Newfoundland (2004)

Most Group Wins – 26 (2020)


Most Consecutive Group Wins – 5

Boxer (1954-1958, 2009-2013)

Most Group Placements – 58 (2020)


Most Consecutive Group Placements – 19

Boxer (1940-1958)

Current Streak of Group Placements – 3

Doberman Pinscher (2021-2023)
Samoyed (2020-2022)


Year in parentheses indicates the most recent year of the award.

BREED1st year
BISGrp 1stGrp 2ndGrp 3rdGrp 4th
Akita197403 (2008)5 (2018)12
Alaskan Malamute193601 (1998)34 (2012)3
Anatolian Shepherd Dog200000000
Bernese Mountain Dog194302 (1999)232 (2017)
Black Russian Terrier200500000
Working Group
19144 (1970)
26 (2020)
12 (2016)
Bullmastiff193401 (1992)013 (2008)
Cane Corso201100000
Doberman Pinscher19114 (1989)13 (2012)15 (2022)109 (2023)
Dogo Argentino202200000
Dogue de Bordeaux200900000
German Pinscher200400000
Giant Schnauzer193004 (2023)233 (2022)
Great Dane187705 (1983)39 (2021)5
Great Pyrenees193401 (2005)4 (2023)03 (2021)
Greater Swiss Mountain Dog199600001 (2016)
Komondor194001 (1993)03 (1994)2
Kuvasz19350004 (2019)3
Leonberger2011001 (2015)00
Mastiff1877001 (2014)4 (2020)1
Neapolitan Mastiff200500000
Newfoundland18772 (2004)4 (2004)74 (2007)3
Portuguese Water Dog198504 (2015)13 (2010)3
Rottweiler193501 (2006)04 (2023)3
Saint Bernard187700234 (2003)
Samoyed190703 (2022)134 (2020)
Siberian Husky19331 (1980)1 (1980)6 (2020)16 (2018)
Standard Schnauzer19251 (1997)4 (2002)12 (2022)3
Tibetan Mastiff200800001 (2009)
**Belgian Tervuren00001 (1981)
**Bouvier des Flandres001 (1975)10
**Briard01 (1981)100
**Collie (Rough)1 (1929)6 (1941)793 (1967)
**Collie (Smooth)0002 (1982)0
**German Shepherd Dog07 (1982)546
**Old English Sheepdog2 (1975)8 (1977)14 (1981)54
**Puli0001 (1976)1
**Shetland Sheepdog01 (1943)016 (1965)
**Welsh Corgi (Pembroke)03 (1976)6 (1977)25
*Dachshund (Smooth)0001 (1926)0

*Moved to Hound Group in 1930.  ** Moved to Herding Group in 1983.


  • The Boxer competed in the Non-Sporting Group from 1924-1935, then was moved to the Working Group in 1936.
  • The Great Pyrenees, known then as the Berghund, was entered in 1879, 1880, 1881, 1889, 1890, 1893.
  • The Standard Schnauzer was known as the Wire-haired Pinscher in 1925-1926 and competed in the Working Group. In 1927, it was moved to the Terrier Group and competed as simply the Schnauzer. At that time, there were separate classes for the Miniature Schnauzer and the Standard Schnauzer, but only one dog was selected as Best Schnauzer and advanced into the Terrier Group from 1927-1932. In 1933, the two became separate breeds and both winners advanced to the Group. In 1946, the Standard Schnauzer was moved to the Working Group.
  • St. Bernards were shown in two Varieties, Smooth and Rough, from 1878-1927, with both advancing into the Working Group in 1924-1927. While there were still Smooth and Rough designations within the classes from 1928-1950, only one St. Bernard was selected as Best of Breed and moved forward to the Working Group. Beginning in 1951, there was no longer any mention of Smooth or Rough made in the classes in the catalog.
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