Westminster Cares


The Westminster Kennel Club prides itself as one of the oldest, mission-based organizations in the world dedicated to dogs. The club’s continued educational, and promotional support of breed education, canine health, breed rescue, canine companionship, and dog sports participation reflect the club’s focus of caring. These activities help fulfill our core mission to celebrate the companionship of dogs while promoting responsible dog ownership, health, and breed preservation. As you read about the events, the programs, the donations, and the continued support from the Westminster Kennel Club, we hope you will agree that we all want to create a better world for all dogs.

The empire state building is illuminated at night, showcasing the immense community support.

Community Support is another tradition of the Westminster Kennel Club. From 2011 to 2018, the club worked with New York City-based art schools, PRATT Institute, and the New York Academy of Art to host an annual art contest. The winning art became the commemorative poster for the dog show, and the finalists’ artwork appeared on notecards. Proceeds from the sales of the posters are donated to some of the Charities listed here.

Westminster has been a longtime supporter of the AKC Museum of the Dog and other non-profit organizations dedicated to the history and heritage of purebred dogs.

In 2019 Westminster began a partnership with the American Heart Association to promote the research-based fact that dog ownership improves peoples’ physical health and emotional well-being. In 2020, Purina’s Purple Leash Project, which partners with Red Rover, helps domestic abuse victims and their pets go from crisis to care at pet-friendly shelters.

COVID-19 Support. These are truly challenging times in our nation and the world as we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. New York City, the home of the WKC Dog Show and show office, has been an epicenter in this battle. Our first responders and health professionals are working assiduously to care for so many in need. To support these efforts, and further the Westminster Kennel Club mission, the WKC Board of Governors approved a resolution for WKC to donate to the following entities to support NYC in this fight:

  • COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund: To support health care workers and various other parties affected by COVID-19
  • FDNY COVID-19 Emergency Fund: A fund set up by a $100,000 grant from the FDNY Foundation to directly assist FDNY personnel and their families in this crisis
  • EMS FDNY Help Fund: To assist our front-line responders with PPE gear and supplies in this COIVD-19 battle
  • New York Police Foundation: Earmarked to help provide PPE equipment to officers
  • NYCPBA (Police Benevolent Association of the City of New York, Inc.) Widows and Children’s Fund: To aid family members of those officers who die due to the virus
  • ASPCA: To assist the ASPCA’s commitment of $5M to the COVID-19 Relief & Recovery Initiative and the establishment of a $2M to the Emergency Relief Fund. The purpose of these efforts is to help animal welfare organizations/facilities and establish regional pet food distribution centers starting in NYC (in a partnership with PETCO) to provide emergency relief to at-risk pet owners and their pets.
  • Animal Care Centers of NYC: A local 501-C-3 directly aiding NYC pets, their owners and animals in need.
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